Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Communion of Saints: feeling it

Tonight I attended my niece Theresa's graduation at Chaifetz Arena on St. Louis University's campus. It was a wonderful event, but it brought to mind memories of her baptism in 1992 for which I was her godfather. She was initiated into her life of grace explicitly in Christ at her baptism and she remains a faithful believing Catholic to this day - with questions, sometimes hard ones - that any adult wrestles with. I not only share family ties and affection for her, but we are united at another, deeper level in Christ. While I have been part of her life and her family for these past 18 years, seeing her 18 years after her baptism at this culminating event touched my heart deeply. I realized how privileged I have been to be part of her life and her family.

On the other side of life, this morning I had 6:30 am Mass with about 30 people and the intention was for Fr. Jim Krings, an Archdiocesan priest who died of cancer last year. As a youth, Jim was a member of the parish in which I now serve. Several people there knew Jim's parents, Art and Casey - long since deceased. Tomorrow I have Mass with the intention for Msgr. Bob Krawinkel, a friend of mine and Jim's who died in 2004. Both of these men I knew to be holy and wholesome priests who intellectually wrestled with the Word of God in their preaching and tried to live integrally. I admired both men; each, in his own way, served as a role model for me in the priesthood.

Young and old, alive at 18 (Theresa) and dead at 64 (Jim) and 74 (Bob), today I felt and knew the Communion of Saints through you in a poignant way. And I am grateful. Thank you God for family and friends.

1 comment:

  1. We were on the same wavelength this week. I linked to you here:
